Using mouse with left hand

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I could revamp my workstation, but my better half is an occupational therapist, and she tells me that my current setup is pretty close to ideal.

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Working less isn’t really an option there are news posts to write, articles to edit, and reviews to crank out.

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The twinge that manifests in my shoulder toward the end of my shift is painful enough that my freshly downloaded copy of Battlefield 4 remains unplayed. Recently, it’s become difficult to make it through the day without some mousing-related discomfort, especially if I spend a lot of time in Excel. But perhaps due to those marathon sessions, I’ve developed a bit of an RSI issue in my right shoulder. That wasn’t a problem years ago, when I had the stamina to put in a full day working for TR and then spend hours in the evenings dealing out headshots in first-person shooters. My right hand also spends an awful lot of time clutching my mouse. I use my dominant hand for everything from scrawling my name to hurling tennis balls for my dog to brushing my teeth.